data_base tree pop-up menu

In: main window

The popup menu is activated by right-hand click on any item of the data_base tree. The full popup menu can be seen in the following figure:

Such a full view cannot be expected to occur on any item of the data_base tree. The visible items depend on the data_base item at which the user has clicked. The items are:

New - creates a new entity of chosen character. Enabled for Sets, FEA Sets, Results, FEA Results, Time Scales, Load Sequencies, Load Spectra, Description of isolated points.

View - opens the chosen data_vector for viewing either in its own specific window or in the general View/Edit window.

View On Set... - opens the chosen data_vector for viewing, but only the items in the node/element/isolated points set are shown. The option is visible only for items, where it has some sense. Please, if you know that the data_vector is large (say more than 100000 items), use this method for viewing and let the view be prepared for a smaller number of items in the set selected.

Edit - opens the chosen data_vector for editing either in its own specific window or in the general View/Edit window. Be aware that a change of ID-name or ID-number can destroy your task, since not all references to all ID-names are checked. For example, if some of your load regimes works with results with ID-name RES, its rename to RES_E will disable this load_regime for opening. Well, I will try to improve these dependencies in further versions.

Import - this command is planned only.

Remove - removes the selected item from the data_base. The file related to this item remains on the hard disc.

Delete - removes the selected item from the data_base and the file related to it from the hard disc.

ASCII Export - an older function for getting textual information about the data_vector. Now a use of the Fast ASCII Copy button in the View/Edit dialogue is recommended for most data_vectors, but there are still other data_vectors (as load regimes etc.), which are printable only by this function. Be aware, that the full functionality is not guaranteed here, but on the other hand, when something bad happens this can be the last resort how to get information what is in some specific data_vector.

Neutral File Export - command which is available only on fatigue result items. It prepares the *.neu neutral file, which can be read by FEMAP postprocessor.

Average To Nodes - this command is available only for FE-results related to nodes of elements. It  starts a simple averaging procedure and places the FE-results to a new data_vector with results at nodes.

Scale By - this command allows you a scaling of:

   - FE-model dimensions -  coordinates of nodes positions more precisely ("Geometry", "Nodes", "NODES", "COORDS"). Beware of the dimension of real constants. If your FE-model contains e.g. shell elements, then some of its real constants have to be scaled by the same scale manually.

   - Isolated points - again its coordinates ("Isolated Points", "Description", "ISPOINT").

   - Result files - either all types of results files ("Results" or "FEA Results") at once or specific separate data_vectors.

   - Load files - either all ("Loading"), or specific groups ("Time Scales", "Load Sequencies", "Load Spectra") or specific separate data_vectors.

Ansys Export - command which is available only on fatigue result items. It prepares the input batch file, which can be read by Ansys postprocessor.

© PragTic, 2007

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